
Peter Stallinga* I gor Khmelinskii Leslie V. Woodcock


Science consists of testing hypothesis. However, this Scientific Method is used ever more scarcely, and is replaced by general
research to help making society a better place. In the current work we analyze how the approach of a solution to the sanitary
problem caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been done in a non-scientific way leading to erroneous conclusions. Moreover,
we form an alternative hypothesis that has withstood our own attempts at debunking. We conclude that the pandemic is caused
by misdiagnosis of other respiratory illnesses and a runaway-testing-scenario.

How to Cite

Peter Stallinga*, I gor Khmelinskii, & Leslie V. Woodcock. (2022). Science in the times of Covid. An alternative hypothesis. Research Review, 3(01), 580–588. Retrieved from https://researchreview.in/index.php/rr/article/view/78

